September 23 - Praise God this week for the continued growth of the GTC gospel movement in Xiamen!
September 24 - Praise God that more churches are joining the gospel movement and engaging in gospel-centered preaching. Pray for a gospel culture to take root in churches.
September 25 - Praise God for the resource center that supports gospel-centered ministries in the entire Fujian province. Pray for the continued faithfulness of those who serve there.
September 26 - Praise God for church-planting efforts. Pray for a blossoming of new gospel-centered churches that many will come to know Christ.
September 27 - Praise God for church planters. May the gospel first transform their lives.
September 28 - Praise God for the Xiamen church's witness. Pray for unity and a conduct above reproach.
September 29 - Praise God for the growth of the gospel movement in Xiamen! May it impact the very fabric of society so that the city will become a channel of God's grace!