About China Partnership
China Partnership longs to see a vibrant and life-transforming Chinese church that roots itself in the gospel of grace and impacts the foundations of Chinese society, as it serves and leads within the global church community.
China Partnership longs to see a vibrant and life-transforming Chinese church that roots itself in the gospel of grace and impacts the foundations of Chinese society, as it serves and leads within the global church community.
Yet the doors are closing for the West: in the coming years, it will be increasingly difficult for Western churches and mission organizations to operate in China. How can we in the West, alongside the rest of the global church, continue to support the spread of the gospel?
Rather than focusing on the individual callings of missionaries, China Partnership believes in focusing on the establishment of the local church. When the gospel breaks through into the hearts of people, local leaders take ownership as they experience renewed theological vision of the gospel, the community, and the city. We desire to listen first, ask more questions, and assist local leadership accordingly.
By offering resources, cultivating prayer, and helping publish the voice and theology of the Chinese house church for the world, our goal is to help see the gospel go deeper and wider in China.
Get Involved
We depend on our partners to help us support the indigenous Chinese church. Would you consider coming alongside us?
China has the potential to become a nation greatly shaped by the redemptive grace of Christ. It has the potential to be next great cultural center of the gospel.
Now is the time to devote our lives to the gospel capturing the Chinese mind and heart for the glory of our resurrected Lord.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ have eternal implications for humankind, and for all of creation. It is this message that will redeem God’s people and generate genuine Christ-followers. It has the power to transform neighborhoods and cities, and to renew the culture. It will establish strong counter-cultural, yet culturally literate, life-giving, and grace-centered churches. It is this big, cosmic, eschatological gospel that the Chinese people need to hear as they go through a time of cultural reconstruction.
Change and transformation must start from God’s people and flow out from this kingdom of heaven on earth. We pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected would capture the hearts of the Chinese. It may take a hundred years, but we look to Christ in hopeful expectation that he will renew China as a people after his own heart.
Contextualized Resources
With our Chinese staff’s leadership and expertise, we are positioned to contextualize Western materials, ministry philosophies, and training curriculum.
Enabling Indigenous Leadership
We long to see a vibrant and life-transforming Chinese church that roots itself in the gospel of grace and impacts the foundations of Chinese society, as it serves and leads within the global church community.
A Posture of Support
Rather than sending missionaries, our desire is for our Western and global partners to have a posture of support, committing to praying for and learning from our Chinese brothers and sisters.
Your financial gifts help us continue to provide resources, training, theological education, staff, and more to equip the indigenous Chinese church for the work of the gospel.
Since 2017, we have been raising up a prayer movement of people around the world committed to praying for China. Will you join us as we bring our brothers and sisters before the throne of grace?
The church in China has much to teach Christians around the world. We help share their voice so that the global church may sit at their feet and learn from what God is teaching them.