Nov. 25 - This week pray for the church under persecution in Shenzhen and for the gospel to continue to advance.
Nov. 26 - A few church leaders were taken in and questioned by authorities. May the Spirit be their constant guide, comfort, wisdom, and strength.
Nov. 27 - A no. of Shenzhen churches have been threatened & demanded to become govt registered. Some have had to relocate. May the Lord sustain them & shield them from harm.
Nov. 28 - Pray for a specific church in the Baoan district. The landlord pressured by various govt departments terminated the church’s lease. Pray for the provision of a new, safe space.
Nov. 29 - Pray that the Baoan church’s discipleship programs and classes be able to continue despite having lost its space. Pray for all teachers and students involved.
Nov. 30 - Pray for the Shenzhen local authorities. Ask the Lord to restrain evil and pray that the seed of the gospel be sown through the church’s testimony.
Dec. 1 - Pray for the strengthening of the Southern China Presbytery. May they encourage the faith of the Shenzhen church, advancing the kingdom in the city, glorifying God.