Why Is Gospel Renewal at the Core of Our Ministry?
For much of its history, the roots of the church in China have not always been established in grace-based theology. Instead, many Chinese believers have at times been overly-focused on purity and piety. But by doing so, they can miss the gospel itself! This leads to legalism, exhaustion, and joylessness.
The solution to this dilemma, however, is not found merely through adjusting one’s theology: the solution is through encounter with Jesus Christ himself. The person and work of Jesus are the very definition of the gospel, and only his Spirit can empower the kind of gospel change necessary to bring renewed life and vision.
At China Partnership, we help support a gospel movement in China. The goal of this gospel movement is to help re-center the Chinese church at large in the historic doctrines of grace, revolving around the person and work of Jesus himself. Such gospel renewal is vital if the church in China is to take root and weather any storm. It is vital for the flourishing of the house church and its pastors. And it is vital for the salvation of the lost people in the Middle Kingdom.
Gospel Renewal in China

Hear from Rev. Tim Keller and others on why the gospel must be central to all aspects of ministry: how we approach culture, how we approach our families, how we approach church planting, and how we approach our own lives.
What is Gospel Renewal?
Read about how one Chinese brother realized the importance of how grace destroys self-righteousness and brings life transformation.
Dragon Leaders & Older Sons
How does the gospel of grace impact Chinese pastors? Read the testimony of one Chinese pastor who was trying to be a “dragon leader” for his people by his own strength, and how reading Tim Keller’s Prodigal God changed his life and ministry.
What We Need for Sustainability in Ministry
An American serving in China writes about why finding our identity in Christ, rather than in ministry, is crucial for growth and sustainability.
Hallelujah! I’ll Never Build a Grand Church
A Chinese pastor speaks on why ministry accomplishment can be a dangerous idol, and how the gospel-centered approach radically rearranges priorities for discipleship, church planting, family life, and ministry.
Get Involved
Would you like to be part of helping China’s gospel movement? Join us in giving financially to support the work, or sign up to join our prayer team.
All financial gifts go towards equipping and resourcing the church in China with theological education, translation of resources, training, and more. In addition, you can join our prayer team to receive weekly prayer emails and a monthly newsletter in order to support the church in China through prayer.