Learning from the Church in China in the Midst of COVID-19

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Learning about our new reality from the Chinese house church

As coronavirus spreads across the world, Christians in the West face unprecedented challenges. How can we build the body of Christ when we cannot be physically present with one another? How can we love our brothers and sisters and our neighbors well? These questions are ones that Chinese churches have already been wrestling with, both in their battle with COVID-19 and in the fires of persecution. The answers they have developed are ones churches in the West deserve to hear. 

As the West deals with COVID-19 in the coming months, we will be sharing resources from pastors, thinkers, and laypeople as they grapple with this and other trials. We invite you to learn from China with us.


Fear Comes from the Invisible World

Read an evangelistic tract distributed by a Chinese house church in the midst of COVID-19 that winsomely explains certain points of the gospel not immediately understood within the Chinese worldview.


The 4 Phases of Emotion in a Pandemic

David Chen offers insight into how to counsel those stricken by fear, isolation, helplessness, and hopelessness brought about by COVID-19.


What the Chinese House Church Teaches Western Churches

Churches in the West can learn to pray, plan, and persevere from their Chinese brothers and sisters who have been living in the midst of pandemic since January.


Do Not Neglect to Meet Together

How do we follow the command of Hebrews 10:25 when we cannot meet together physically? Read a letter from a Chinese house church pastor as he gives practical and theological advice for continuing to meet under the cloud of the coronavirus.

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COVID-19 Is a Chance to Learn from China

On March 17, more than 60 participants from ministries across the U.S. gathered online in a meeting to help American churches learn from the Chinese house church’s experiences facing the coronavirus. Read one writer’s reflections from this meeting on why this is a key time for the global church to learn from the Chinese church.


Separation of Life and Death

As we are faced with our own mortality in light of the coronavirus outbreak, read the reflections of a Chinese house church pastor on Matthew 25 on eternal life and death.


Crying to God in the Time of Plague

Read an evangelistic pamphlet written by a Chinese pastor to distribute to their city during the COVID-19 crisis.


Don’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste

Read four lessons we can learn from the house church in China on being the church online and how to make the most of this season of quarantine.


Church Planting in China During the Coronavirus

Despite the ordinary persecution Chinese believers face and the extraordinary obstacle they now endure in the pandemic, Pastor Hu is convinced that “church planting is the best way to fulfill God’s plan.”


Stories & Prayers in a Time of Pandemic


A Prayer on the First Day of Quarantine

On January 23, 2020 the Chinese government halted all travel in and out of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. This letter was written by a Chinese pastor to encourage the church in Wuhan in the midst of suffering and fear.


The Deathbed Conversion of Mama Xue

Even in the midst of coronavirus, we must continue seeking the lost with hearts of love. Read this amazing testimony about Sichuan’s first coronavirus casualty.

A Prayer from Early Rain Covenant Church

Read prayers from the persecuted church in Chengdu on behalf of the church, the government, medical professionals, and those experiencing anxiety in the midst of the outbreak.


Loving Our Chinese Neighbors During COVID-19


In trial it is easy to allow tensions and tribalism to get the best of us. As the global church, however, we are still called to love our neighbors well. We have collected these particular prayers, testimonies, and articles from Chinese and non-Chinese voices alike to help remind us why we should continue to love China and the Chinese church.


How to Practice Love Towards Our Asian Neighbors

Professor Alexander Jun writes about how we can practice passive and active love for our Asian neighbors in a time of growing hatred.


The Church’s Response to Rising Xenophobia

A pastor in North Carolina offers four observations and four challenges on the realities Asians and Asian Americans are facing amid COVID-19. He cautions us to remember that the church has a duty to love and stand up for our neighbors in the name of Christ.


Why Chinese are Eager to Donate Face Masks

When COVID-19 was at its worst in China, churches across the globe rallied to send medical supplies to China. Now, as COVID-19 grows worse in the West, the church in China is doing the same.


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Praying for the World with the Chinese House Church

Recently, the Chinese house church has begun actively praying for the world in the midst of pandemic. In these difficult months, we want to follow their lead and begin praying not only for China, but with China. Join us as we pray alongside them for the world.

  • Pray that those who have been isolated, quarantined, or separated from their families would know the sweetness of the Lord's presence and have the comfort of his Spirit with them.

  • Pray that churches around the world would not live in fear and would have the boldness to show the love of Christ to those around them in the midst of the outbreak.

  • Pray that all the medical experts treating those who have come down with the coronavirus would have the wisdom and resources they need, and that government officials would make wise and humane choices in dealing with this epidemic.

  • Pray both that the outbreak would come to an end and that God would be glorified in the midst of it, and that his kingdom would expand as a result.

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