Despite rising persecution in China, many Christians there have not lost their desire to plant new churches. There remains a great desire to form new Christ-honoring communities that can be a “city on a hill” (Matt. 5:14) by showing the world what Jesus is like. At China Partnership, we help support this indigenous church planting movement.
Will you join us in praying for church planting in China? Pray for:
Gospel roots that lead to great fruit.
Christ-centered churches that will multiply in their cities.
Church planters who will model Christ and reach the lost.
Existing church plants to take root and grow.
The Church is the Mission
A house church pastor from northern China writes on how the church is not the result of missions, but is the mission itself.
A Chinese Church Planting Retreat
A young Chinese pastor reflects on the spiritual growth he experienced after attending a retreat for church planters, and the resulting practices.
Get Involved
Would you like to be part of helping China’s gospel movement? Join us in giving financially to support the work, or sign up to join our prayer team.
All financial gifts go towards equipping and resourcing the church in China with theological education, translation of resources, training, staff, and more. In addition, you can sign up to receive weekly prayer emails and a monthly newsletter in order to support the church in China through prayer.