Flying Together In Difficulty: A Letter to My Husband

My dear husband, I expected our marriage to include poverty, illness, and quarrels, but I never imagined we would be imprisoned together. If I had known that, I would have added a line to my wedding vows: “No matter if we are free or imprisoned, I will always  always love you, cherish and respect you, believe in you, take care of you, and be loyal to you forever.”

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From Atheist to Church Planter

God gave us a word from Psalm 8:2. It says, “Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” By this, we knew that though we were all young and few in number, just like babies and infants, God would use us to testify to his own glory.

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Lights of Hope and Grace: A Letter of Encouragement

In the United States our church is also facing many challenges, though perhaps not as severe as the physical danger you are frequently enduring. Our challenges often revolve around questions of compromise with the current culture to remain relevant, and how to hold to the truth of God’s Word as the only hope for salvation. When we are facing these challenges, we at times turn to the example of your churches.

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To Testify to Eternal Life

The fact that I can preserve my faith in the Lord is an opportunity to bear witness to the eternal life of the Lord. I can keep serving the Lord, and for doing that, I face persecution, even being imprisoned, being sentenced and going through many other things. These marks of humiliation are still opportunities to testify to the eternal life, to manifest the eternal life.

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