As we move from being merely confessional to placing Christ at the center, we realize that the concern of the church in returning to its corporate nature should be lives transformed by Christ.
Read MorePrayer enacts the gospel and positions us with the ascended Christ… After Pentecost, miracles burst forth like flowers in springtime. Winter is gone, the thaw is over, streams have turned into rivers. There is an explosive multiplication of convergence. Timid people become courageous as lions, and the long-kept secrets of heaven are shouted from the housetops.
Read MoreMay your children be living testimonies of love and truth in Christ, so that people of this nation will be led to call upon their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, and by trusting Jesus, become the sons and daughters of God.
Read MoreI have rediscovered the importance of the gospel through my personal journey. I have come to realize that it is not just brothers and sisters in the church, nor is it the brothers and sisters whom I serve who need the renewal of the gospel, but I myself.
Read MoreGod uses persecution to show our sin and unrighteousness; persecution is a discipline of God for us, in order to drive us to repentance. If we never move beyond our anger and polemics against the evil government and our own self-pity, we will waste this divinely given opportunity for our own purification and growth.
Read MoreIt is not about my kingdom, but about his kingdom coming. It is not about myself, but about increasing my capacity for God. It is not about God relieving my struggles, but about his will being done. It is not about me, worrying about my possessions and property; it is about being content with daily bread and generous to others. The world is crying and dying, needing intercessors.
Read MoreThe gospel is very basic – it influences the entirety of life. So we speak of renewal, which stems from the whole gospel as revealed by God. It permeates personal life, ecclesiological life, and even the whole world.
Read MoreThe relationship between the law and the gospel is very important for a pastor, and we need to think of them as being in a dynamic relationship. We cannot simply fit a fixed model on each and every believer, but we need to hear the cry of every soul and find out where their joy is.
Read MoreWhether you live or die, you belong to the Lord, and the Lord will take care of your family. Be prepared to die for Christ. If you are imprisoned, do not expect to come out alive. Do not worry about your family outside. Trust the Lord alone and be faithful to him. Trust in God’s love.
Read MoreIn the third church plant, there has been a very deep sense of understanding that church planting is not a technical thing, but rather it involves many concepts that encourage us to return back to the gospel. If a person’s life is transformed, he cannot hide it and he cannot help but to preach the gospel. It is impossible for him not to preach because when he is captured by the gospel, it is not a burden that is placed on him.
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