Posts in Gospel in Chinese Culture
New Wine and Old Skin, Part II: Addressing the Contemporary Chinese Church with Redemptive Historical Preaching

[An American pastor] has helped train the [Chinese] pastors on Christ-centered preaching and he emphasizes that the story of redemptive history should be preached in every single sermon. We first need to come to a common ground. When Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2, “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified,” and when the believers and apostles of the first century church kept proclaiming that Jesus is Christ in the temple, in their houses, and in front of the Jews and Greeks, the message they proclaimed was the gospel message framed in the structure of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.

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New Wine and Old Skin, Part I: Current Context of the Chinese Church

Chinese society’s rapid secularization and urbanization has greatly challenged the traditional house church in China and has caused the old way of preaching the gospel to loose credibility under the impact of a host of contemporary issues. Additionally, many congregations have found themselves confronting the crisis of confessional superficiality as the house church moves towards transforming into confessional churches. Therefore, these churches need abundant provision from the “new wine” of the gospel throughout the process of forming denominations.

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Our Vision for China: Churches as Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

With the rise of China as a new economic and military superpower that is significantly redefining the world order, interest in China and Chinese culture has increased over the years. Social, economic, political, and military events in China frequently occupy Western headlines and many of these headlines focus on certain questions. How do we comprehend China as a new economic-military power? Will the myth of economic growth soon run its course? How long can continuously deteriorating morality sustain Chinese society? Summing up all of these headlines is the desire to understand how China’s seemingly conflicting characteristics can coexist. 

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