Remembering Jay Kyle
All of us at China Partnership are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Jay Kyle. Jay was the co-founder of China Partnership and a great friend to many the world over. Throughout his life, Jay exhibited a heart for the people of China and a love for the gospel.
Jay’s love for China began to be cultivated as a young man, while attending high school in Manila, Philippines. During that time, he and a group of students started a weekly radio program at the Far East Broadcasting Company with the goal of reaching students in China. Together they would pray often for the Chinese church.
““We will miss singing his favorite hymns alongside him and praying next to him with heads bowed. We are grateful for his life and ministry, and we are grateful that Christ has called him home to joy, rest, and peace in his beautiful presence.”
Many years later, after thirty-two years of serving as a missionary with Mission to the World in places like Papua, New Guinea and Mexico City, Mexico, Jay and his wife Maureen were increasingly moved to partner with China. With encouragement from Tim Keller and Redeemer City to City, Jay co-founded China Partnership in 2001 with Paul Taylor and several churches. For many years, as our executive director he helped train and equip Chinese church planters. But Jay’s heart was ultimately to equip the indigenous church and allow them to take the reins. In 2011, Jay handed China Partnership over fully to Chinese leadership. All of us who care so much about serving the indigenous church in China are deeply indebted to him for his life of service.
We are grateful to have had the chance to know Jay. We are thankful for all the ways his life and ministry blessed so many people, especially the people of China. We will miss his smile and his laughter, his delight while eating dessert and Mexican food, his love of traveling and airports. We will miss singing his favorite hymns alongside him and praying next to him with heads bowed. We are grateful for his life and ministry, and we are grateful that Christ has called him home to joy, rest, and peace in his beautiful presence.
-The President of China Partnership