A Statement from CP on Requests for Permission to Repost Early Rain Material

Over the past month, China Partnership has received many requests for permission to repost Wang Yi's "My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience," Li Yingqiang's "How the Church Should Face Persecution," and the other materials we are making available related to the ongoing situation on both personal blogs and large media outlets. We are thankful for the response, particularly if it leads to widespread prayer for Early Rain Covenant Church and the Chinese house church broadly.

Wang Yi's original statement, along with other materials posted publicly by Early Rain, do not belong to China Partnership, and therefore, we give broad permission to repost. However, translation is a literary art form and requires a significant effort. As such, we humbly request that all online media outlets give proper credit to the source of the original English translations and the efforts of those who are making them available.

In order to do so, we request you abide by the following guidelines:

1) Include a link to CP’s original post in your article.

2) Cite the date of CP’s original post.

3) Give full credit to those translators that CP credits at the end of the post.

Please find an example below:

"This English translation [include hyperlink] was originally published on the China Partnership Blog on [date], and is replicated here with permission. We thank [name] and the China Partnership translation team for their work."

As a favor, please let us know if you are reposting! We love to connect with anyone who shares our commitment to brining attention to the house church in China and would love to get to know you better.

Hannah Nation
Communications and Content Director
China Partnership

Hannah Nation