1 Way to Pray for China This Week

December 13th marks the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. The massacre was perpetrated by Japanese forces in 1937 and lasted over six weeks. An estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians were killed, along with 40,000 Chinese soldiers. This historical event remains one of the most contentious issues between China and Japan and continues to impede reconciliation and partnership between the countries. Its anniversary can often be a time of mourning and anger in China, and frustration over Japan’s perceived reticence to ask forgiveness.

How to pray:

-       Pray for true reconciliation to happen between Japan and China, even as tensions seem to be on the rise. Pray for national leaders who are humble, wise, and conciliatory.

-       Pray for revival among the Japanese. Japan continues to remain one of the most unreached nations. True repentance can only happen in the light of the cross – pray that the Holy Spirit will awaken Japan and empower it to seek reconciliation with its Asian neighbors.

-       Pray for continued growth of the church in China as true forgiveness can only take place in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that fear and anger would not dominate Chinese attitudes towards the Japanese, but rather fellowship and bridge building.

-       Pray for the church in both countries to lead the way. Pray for Chinese and Japanese brothers and sisters to love each other so deeply that their fellow countrymen take note. Pray that the gospel would undergird and inform all interactions between the two churches.



-       Nanking Massacre

-       Xi absent as China marks low key Nanjing Massacre anniversary

-       China-Japan tensions rise on the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre

China Partnership