1 Way to Pray for China This Week
Last week, Beijing won the 2022 Winter Olympics making it the first city in over a century to host both the summer and winter games. When the announcement of victory came, many in the Chinese delegation broke down with tears of joy. As with the 2008 Summer Olympics, China continues to see its participation in the Olympics as validation of the strides it has made in recent decades; however, as also with the previous summer games, controversy is already surrounding the decision. The current controversies mainly pertain to both China’s human rights record and the complete lack of natural snow in the Beijing region. Regardless, Beijing promises and is sure to deliver spectacular and “harmonious” games. How to pray:
- Pray for China as it continues to struggle to establish its identity and credentials on the world stage. It is impossible to understate how much China continues to feel the need to “prove” itself after the last century. Pray for China to find its true peace and validation not in manmade events and honors, but rather in glorifying its Creator.
- Pray for the same human rights issues that were highlighted in the 2008 Olympics. Pray for China to repent and seek reconciliation concerning these issues. Pray also for the Western world to avoid the desire to “shame” China into compliance, but rather to seek out meaningful and helpful tactics for working on the issues at hand.
- Pray for government and Olympic officials to work with integrity and honesty. Pray that they would truly seek the peace of the city, rather than personal gain. Pray for both the poor and the environment to be protected.
- Pray for the Beijing church to be present throughout the games. Pray for amazing and unexpected opportunities in the years leading up to the games for the church to be at work in Beijing. Pray for Christians to be found in all levels of the games’ administration and for their presence to bring peace, true harmony, and glory to God.