1 Way to Pray for China This Week
As China’s house church continues to grow, it also continues to diversify. As with any advance of the gospel, Chinese Christians are struggling with questions concerning Biblical interpretation, historic theology, indigenous theology, and church polity. These are just a few large categories of issues that the Chinese house church is now working through. As you can imagine, there is a plethora of topics within each category that must be contextualized for Chinese culture. How to pray:
- Pray for extremely wise church leadership. Pray for leaders with a variety of gifts – academic, pastoral, preaching, counseling, strategizing, administration, evangelism. Pray for the Chinese house church as it works incredibly hard to pour resources into the training up of all of these kinds of leaders. Pray for good cooperation between leaders with different gifts towards the common goal of expanding God’s kingdom in China.
- Pray for the Chinese house church to find and maintain unity in diversity. The full spectrum of theological persuasions can now be found in China. Pray that the house church will be an example to the global church of honestly and earnestly discussing these differences, but from the stance of unity. Pray for churches to support and serve each other despite differences.
- Pray for the Chinese house church, particularly the younger generation, to remember and honor its history. The life of the Chinese house church is changing with China’s shifting political realities, and this brings with it room to consider theological and structural issues, but also a potential to forget with what cost the faith has grown in China.