Why Is Gospel Renewal Important for the Average Chinese Person?
Here at China Partnership we talk a lot about the impact a commitment to the historic gospel of grace has on Chinese pastors. But what does gospel renewal among the Chinese pastorate mean for the average congregant, or even the Chinese seeker?
In these interviews, two young Chinese millennials share their spiritual journeys and experiences, helping to explain the challenges they face. In the first video, a young woman discusses how she became a Christian and how she has been able to find churches that demonstrate the outward-facing nature of the church CP hopes to encourage within the unregistered Chinese church. In the second video, a serious seeker discusses the difficulties he faces in finding not only a church open enough to welcome him, but pastors and church leaders who are equipped theologically to help answer his many questions about God, the Bible, and Chinese culture.
These stories help highlight why CP exists and why we pray the Reformation 500 convention has an impact. We desire to equip pastors and church leaders in order for the Chinese church to be renewed in the historic gospel of grace, because through such gospel renewal, churches become better able to engage and love their neighbors, opening their doors to those seeking answers in Christ.