1 Way to Pray for China this Week
China Partnership is starting a new prayer initiative to rally prayer both in China and the United States. CP recently connected with a group from Canada called C2C, which has a very vibrant prayer ministry countrywide. They started a grassroots prayer time at 10:02am based off of Luke 10:02, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” C2C prays consistently at 10:02, regardless of whatever they might be doing at the time. If other people are around, they simply invite them to join. They ask every person participating to set their phone or watch alarm for 10:02am every day.
CP leadership started observing this prayer time shortly after meeting people from C2C, and many in China have been invited to participate. We have heard that many networks have started sharing the invitation across the regions, asking people to pray at 10:02. They have even asked one amazing sister who spent 30 days in jail last year to voluntarily head up the effort.
With commitment already growing in China, CP invites you to join in. An invitation was extended at the close of the CP conference on Saturday. This is an opportunity to join with thousands across China and the United States in praying for the harvest in China.